
I do like making daily posts more in the afternoon(shortly after waking up), than in the middle of the night. Even though I still some times can’t think of what to say(updating every day is a bit much), it is a lot less stressful not to have to worry about it before bed.


So when I write kinky and naughty transformation stuff, it is actually pretty easy. I can kind of write that sort of stuff very quickly. The problem usually isn’t writing that stuff, but putting it all together in a coherent way. All the in between stuff, and having a coherent story over all is harder to do.


I feel like lately(over last several months) I don’t have a lot of focus. Probably from spending too much time on the internet and stuff, where everything is designed for people with no attention span. So I have been trying to build up my focus. I want to be able to write several hours everyday without getting distracted. I have always been able to write for a really long time in short bursts, when I am excited about something but I want to be able to write really long everyday, even with tough stuff. That way I can get a lot done and not get distracted on really hard stuff.


My eyes are so itchy and watery today, probably from allergies. It was like that yesterday too. It makes it hard to do anything because I just want to close my eyes, but I can’t do anything like that all day!


Lately I been trying something new. Which is working on stuff like as soon as I wake up. I noticed before that I did more work in the morning, even though I am really tired and not a morning person at all.


I been staying up pretty late lately, but I think tonight I am going to bed a little earlier(even though it is super late right now). I kind of want to get back to no stay up quite so late. Like staying up until 2am is pretty decent for a late night owl like me. Staying up to 4 am, which I some times do, it a bit much.


I probably mentioned this before, but I am also trying to write a novel, while writing kinky transformation games on here too. It is a bit of a weakness of mine, writing really long things and doing extensive edits for it. Since often the games are not as long as a novel, and also while I do edit the games I usually don’t do like a fully line by line edit, and usually don’t make major story changes or anything.